Emerge: The Awakening Read online

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  Exhausted after another sleepless night, and not in the best of moods, Allie sipped her coffee as she leaned over the ferryboat railing. Shivering in the cool breeze, she watched the queue of cars creeping onto the deck below. She was suddenly hyperaware of the sleek, steel gray car passing beneath her feet. It was one of those expensive, sporty European hybrid things with dark tinted windows.

  Aidan and his friends. She didn’t pause to consider how she knew they were in that particular car.

  He soon joined her on the upper deck, while the others strayed off with their friends. He had fake Aidan firmly in place as he sidled up beside her. His elbow brushed her arm and they both stilled at the normal contact. The spark of attraction was definitely still there, but Allie felt a strong urge to put him securely in the “friend” box and keep him there. He obviously did not.

  “Morning, Lex.” He slid closer, letting the mask fall away. He didn’t seem capable of keeping it in place around her.

  “Knock it off with the Lex crap,” she snapped.

  Jeez, Allie! She winced at her tone. No wonder you have trouble making friends!

  “Not a morning person?” His grin was contagious. He was more like himself now.

  “Sorry, I guess I’m not really the bright-eyed sort.” She couldn’t help her smile. “Dude, is that a violin strapped to your back?” she snorted.

  “Yeah. That supposed to be funny?”

  “Band geek? Doesn’t really fit the whole tattooed-muscled-pretty-jock-boy thing you’ve got going on.”

  “Pretty?” he scowled. “I do not play in the marching band, sweetheart. I’m first violinist and concertmaster of the Cliffton Orchestra.”

  “Eh, play me some Bach and this cranky redhead will shut up.”

  “You’re all sorts of trouble, aren’t you?” he said dryly.

  “Me? You might as well be holding a sign that says ‘WARNING: dark and dangerous. Keep out.’”

  “Are you normally this mean or is it just me?” he grinned.

  “Sorry, it’s me. I haven’t slept in like a year, so I’m crabby. But I’m afraid the sarcasm comes with the package. You hang out with me long enough you’re bound to get burned.”

  “Allie, how old are you?” The odd question caught her by surprise.

  “I skipped second grade so I won’t be sixteen for another month.”

  “That explains it.”

  “Explains what?”

  “I’m just trying to figure you out.”

  “I promise I’m not all that complicated.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “Enough about me. What’s with them?” She rolled her eyes at Sasha and the others. Quinn and Graham were pretending like they hadn’t been caught staring. Sasha waved, mouthing something Allie couldn’t quite make out. And Chloe took a bashful step behind Quinn. Aidan’s friends all reacted to Allie the way most people did, but they also seemed utterly fascinated with her and that kinda creeped her out.

  “They find you bizarrely intimidating.”

  “Most people do,” she said frankly, “but could you make the staring stop?”

  “I’ll talk to them.”

  “It’s kinda strange how all your friends are adopted,” she said.

  “You know anything about your birth parents?” he asked.

  “Not a thing.”

  “Same here.”

  “Sometimes I actually forget Lily and Carson aren’t my real parents. They seem so much a part of me.”

  “My dad and I are a lot alike,” Aidan said hesitantly. “It’s like he was supposed to be my father, and Sasha might as well be my twin. What’s your family like?”

  “My mom’s an archeologist and my dad’s a cultural anthropologist, which is why we’ve moved so much. My older sister, Joscelin, is their biological daughter, but she’s busy doing her residency at a hospital in Bali.” Allie really missed her big sister and wished she could have seen Joss one more time before fleeing the hemisphere.

  “So, who was that with you back at the dock?” Aidan asked absently.

  “My mom.”

  “What? How?” he frowned.

  “What do you mean how?” Allie laughed. “The usual way. Mom without a baby, baby without a mom. Sign some papers, instant family.”

  “Right. I ah...she’s an archeologist, huh?” he rambled.

  “Yeah, we’ve spent a lot of time on some cool sites, but my favorite was the dig in Luxor where I got to visit Hatshepsut’s Temple and the Valley of the Kings and Queens.”

  “So your mom is the new Egyptian curator at the museum.” He grinned.

  “Yeah, how’d you know?”

  “My dad is head curator. He was totally psyched to get her here.” A dark shadow crossed his face, like he was struggling to put fake Aidan back in place.

  “You’re kinda strange,” Allie said bluntly.

  “Back atcha, sweetheart.”

  “No, no. Don’t you sweetheart me. I’ve seen you with all your idiot girls. Don’t lump me in with the rest of your sweethearts,” she mocked.

  “I wouldn’t dare,” he laughed. “I guess I do that when I can’t remember their names, but I couldn’t possibly forget yours, Lex.”

  “Clearly your memory is failing you again. It’s Allie.”

  “You sound like my friend, Wendy. She tells me I’m an idiot all the time.”

  “You know you can be yourself around me, right?” she asked carefully.

  “I’m beginning to see that.”

  “You’ll have to introduce me to Wendy. She sounds smart.”

  “She is a very gifted cellist and was just accepted to the Cologne University of Music in Germany a few weeks ago,” he said sadly.

  Allie could see how much he missed his girlfriend. Despite the strange vibe between them, she was intrigued with Aidan. He was just as fascinated with her as she was with him, but the overwhelming relief she felt just being near him was enough to tell her they would either be really good for each other or really, really bad.




  Allie wandered across the courtyard after her English Lit class to wait for Sasha and Chloe. She took a seat at one of the many fountains dotting the perfectly manicured Cliffton grounds. The noises of the city center were muffled by the trees and the lake breeze that was ever present along the shore.

  “Crap,” she muttered as a striking blond headed her way. “Why does every school have mean girls?”

  “You’ve just identified their queen.” Allie recognized the voice from several of her classes.

  “Vince, right?” she smiled. “I’m Allie—”

  “You’ve been here nearly a month, Short Stuff, everyone knows you.” He grinned. “That is Brianna Spelman Prentice.” He crouched down beside her. “She’s the great-great-granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller and she scares the hell out of me. So, I’m going to hide behind you and this fountain if you don’t mind. I have no shame.”

  There was something about Vince that reminded her of Gavin. It was his gentle confidence and the way he looked directly into her eyes when he spoke. He felt it; that awkward discomfort, but he brushed it aside as if it were nothing.

  “Vincent, hi. Walk me to class?” Brianna asked sweetly.

  “Sorry, I’m hanging with Allie right now.”

  “I’ll come find you at lunch then.” She shot him a brilliant smile. Allie might as well have been wallpaper.

  “Brianna, I’ve told you I don’t date Cliffton girls.”

  “I guess that doesn’t include trailer trash?”

  “Not cool,” he growled.

  “Vince, it’s fine,” Allie said. “I’m sorry, Brianna. I’ve never lived in a trailer, but I did live in a fabulous tree house in the Amazon. Does that count?”

  “Nice!” Vince laughed.

  “Whatever!” Brianna abandoned her sweet tone completely as she stalked off leaving Allie alone with Vince.

  “So, tree hous
e in the jungle? That actually true?”

  “Yeah, we lived in Brazil when I was in middle school and I spent a lot of time with my dad out in the jungle. We had this huge tree house in the upper canopy with awesome views.”

  “You’re kinda cool, Allie Carmichael. I might have to reconsider my ‘no Cliffton girls’ rule. See you around.” He headed off across the courtyard.

  Wowsa. She grinned as she watched him go. She really liked him, but she also felt a huge surge of guilt about Gavin. She shouldn’t be flirting with boys so soon.

  “Allie?” She heard the hesitant voice across the fountain.

  “Senior Physics and Calculus? McKayla, right?”

  “Just Kayla.” She smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I thought I should warn you. Vince and Aidan kinda hate each other.” Allie detected a note of sadness in her voice.

  “Ew, boy drama.” She wrinkled her nose. “Any advice?”

  “‘Fraid not.” Kayla giggled and Allie decided she really liked the shy older girl. She was certain they would be friends.


  “You should have warned me basketball practice was at five-freaking a.m.!” Allie yawned as they headed for the locker room after her first practice with the team.

  “Would you have still tried out?” Sasha asked, swatting Allie with her captain’s jersey.

  “Probably not.” She dodged the cheap shot.

  They were quickly becoming close friends. She wasn’t always comfortable with Allie, but Sasha tried very hard to hide it.

  “I have a meeting with the coach, so I’ll catch up with you later if that’s alright?”

  “Yeah, sure. No problem.” Allie frowned. She found it incredibly odd how her new friends seemed to defer to Aidan as some sort of authority figure, but it really creeped her out when they started doing it to her.

  “I do not understand what he sees in you,” Brianna said, slamming her locker door with a bang.

  “Me either.” Allie smirked. “Who’re we talking about?”

  “Vincent!” Brianna rolled her eyes. “I don’t get it.”

  “You don’t have to, and seriously? You know he prefers Vince.”

  “Whatever, you can have him, just stay away from Aidan. He and I are social equals and you have no place in our circle.”

  “We’re just friends. I haven’t known him long, but I do know you are not his type.”

  “Let’s let him make that decision.”

  Allie tossed her bag over her shoulder with a disgusted snort, watching Brianna storm off toward the courtyard.

  “There you are,” Aidan called when she stepped outside. He was looking decidedly irritated. “I just barely managed to avoid Brianna again.”

  “Iced coffee? Cheers to that!” She took the drink gratefully.

  “It’s a bribe. You’re much less mean when you’ve been properly caffeinated.”

  “Har, har. At least you’re learning…in some things.” She arched her brow at his offered hand, tossing her gym bag over her shoulder instead. The deep attraction between them was always there, and as much as she wanted to put her hand in his, something held her back.

  As they turned the corner to the conservatory, they ran into Brianna, lying in wait for him.

  Allie steeled herself for more scathing remarks, but Brianna shoved past them, unable to hide the anger in her eyes.

  “What is it with that girl? I’m a perfectly lovely person,” she said dryly.

  “Well, let’s see. She claims you stole her spot on the team. She’s been chasing Vince forever, but he’s been steadfastly running in the opposite direction. Then you show up and manage to turn his head without even trying—and thanks for that,” he growled. “Because she is now turning her attention on me.”

  “Eh, some people just don’t like me.” She shrugged.

  “I can’t imagine why.”

  “I’ve been warned to stay away from you.” Allie giggled.

  “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Nope, apparently you are ‘equals’ and I am to keep my distance.”

  “That’s rather ironic.”

  “Well, you seem to have the one thing she wants.”

  “What? A pulse?”

  “A pedigree. Like a puppy.” She cocked her head in amusement. “That’s one scary stalker-girlfriend you’ve got.”

  “Protect me?” he pleaded in mock horror as they headed in opposite directions.




  Allie ran swiftly along the beach, enjoying the chill of fall in the air. It was just over a month since she’d arrived on Kelleys Island and the leaves were a riot of colors. She loved her new home and its illusion of stability, but she didn’t trust it to last. She was more herself here than she’d ever been before, but she was so scared it would all disappear. Something loomed over her like a dark cloud—an ominous storm that threatened to destroy everything.

  She slowed to a walk when she neared the shady grotto nestled at the base of a massive cliff. A winding flight of steps rose from the sand up to Aidan’s palatial home along the ridge. He really did have a pedigree, with a trust fund and a panoramic view of the city across the bay.

  She could hear the peaceful vocals of Miserere a 9 on the surround sound and she paused to watch him. He was texting, a slight frown creasing his brow. It was noon in Germany, and he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to check in with his old girlfriend.

  “How’s Wendy?” She dropped to her usual place beside him on the stone sectional covered in brightly colored cushions. Everything in the grotto was carved right from the limestone rock. Even the huge dining table was a slab suspended from the ceiling. The fire pit was formed right into the floor where flames crackled cheerfully this morning, but dark black soot marred the low ceiling where a fire had recently burned out of control.

  “She’s good.” He grinned. “And awfully curious about you.”

  “How so?”

  “Coffee?” He slid a mug across the table.

  “Ahh, the nectar of my people,” she sighed, settling back comfortably. “But I’m not so easily distracted. Why’s your old girlfriend curious about me?”

  “She wanted to know if you were hot,” he snorted in a very un-Aidan like way.


  “You’re more her type than I am,” he laughed.

  “Oh.” Allie giggled as Benedictus filled the air. “Feeling depressed this morning, are we?”

  “I happen to like choral music. It helps me think.”

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “I need to know exactly when your sixteenth birthday is.”

  “Halloween. Why?”

  “You were seriously born with that orange hair on Halloween?”

  “Orange?” she scoffed.

  “Is that a date you picked or is it your actual birthday? We don’t know when Sasha’s is, so we let her pick her own when she was little.”

  “It’s my real birthday, but you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “Just want to make sure we have enough time for party planning.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “You’ve met me, right? I hate birthday parties. Mom always invited a bunch of random kids I didn’t even know. She gave up when I punched a kid for making fun of me because I didn’t have any real friends.”

  “You have real friends now, but you seem determined not to accept it. I know you’re happy here, but why does that scare the hell out of you?”

  “I will allow that blatant attempt to distract me, but if you throw a party, don’t be surprised if I don’t show up,” she said. “To answer your question, I am happy here, but it can’t last. I didn’t want to get attached, but it’s too late for that. It would break my heart if I had to leave now.”

  “Your parents promised. No more moving.” He draped his arm around her.

  “Yeah, well, I’ve never known a world where we don’t move.” She pulled away. Allie alw
ays reacted strongly to his touch. If she were honest, she craved it. They were so drawn to each other, and shared an amazing connection, but she didn’t want to encourage anything more than friendship. He felt differently, but his intensity made her nervous.

  He caught her chin and lifted her gaze to meet his. “It’s just us, Lex. If I’m affectionate, it doesn’t have to be weird. I can see you aren’t into me like that, and that’s okay…for now.” He smirked. “I am happy to have you as my best friend.”

  “Aidan, it’s just—” But he ignored her protests and tucked her securely under his arm.

  “You’re still afraid you’re going to wake up one morning and have to leave again?”

  “It’s inevitable.”

  “You need to get over that constant fear or you’re never going to be happy.”

  “I thought Quinn was your best friend?” She switched to a safer topic.

  “Sure, but there’s still an awkward wall between us. It’s very different with you. Our relationship is…you let me be me. And I’ve never had that.”

  “I’ve always felt so disconnected from everyone around me,” she said. “I don’t feel like that with you. It’s nice.”

  “And comforting.” He absently stroked her hair. “Most kids our age are so exhausting and immature.”

  “Immature?” she snorted. “Aren’t you the guy who took the school bus out for a joyride with your football buddies after the last away game? And didn’t I hear something about racing trains? Not to mention you have half the girls in school begging for your attention with that fake Aidan crap.”

  “It’s an act, Allie. Surely you can see that by now?” he said.

  “But why? Fake Aidan’s an idiot. I like this guy.” She shoved him playfully. “But why does he only show up when we’re alone?”

  “Back atcha, Lex. You hide behind your humor and sarcasm, but you’re real with me.” He smiled. “And you’re not so scary.”

  “Could be if I wanted to,” she muttered, a little unnerved by how clearly he saw her.

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” he laughed.


  “You’re disgusting!” Sasha shrieked as Aidan rummaged through the fridge.